Male Breast Enlargement
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Male Breast Enlargement - Polls, Poll Results and Analysis

Male Breast Enlargement Articles

Breast Enlargement for Men, Too
When to Start Wearing a Bra
Male Breast Enlargement Products Reviewed
A Review of the Flat To Fem Male Breast Enlargement Program
Social Pressure for Breast Enlargement
Augmentation Mammoplasty
Psychology of Male Breast Enlargement
Breast Enlargement Creams
Male Breast Enlargement Blog - My Personal Experiences
Breast Health - Taking Care of Your New Breasts
Crossdressing Considerations
Polls and Poll Results
Buying A Bra
The Bra Store
Bra's In all Sizes and Styles!
Review of Feminization Hypnosis
Nipple Enlargement
Consumer Resources

voice feminization
Feminize Your Voice

Dragonfly Page


Publisher's Note:  This website is dedicated to men seeking information on Male Breast Enlargement through Natural Herbal Supplements.

Male Breast Enlargement Polls

Publisher's Note (4/21/24): Ths polls talked about on this page are no longer active. I've kept the data and my conclusions posted here, though, because I believe the results are still important and true. I found the information of use and I hope you will, too. Along with examinging the results, how would you answer the poll questions? Aleya.

Men who are enlarging or want to enlarge their breasts come from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. And yet they have this common goal of male breast enlargement. To better understand who we are, the publisher of this website has begun to create polls to gather insights.

While it has been a while since these polls gathered new data. They had to end due to technical reasons. Check out the results and see if they are similar to how you feel about grawoing breasts and yourself.

Poll #1 (Started 10/23/2007) Pole Results as of 5/24/2009.
At What Age Did You Start Considering Male Breast Enlargement?

Choice Number of votes Percentage
Under 1681 22.01%
16-2146 12.50%
21-3042 11.41%
31-4050 13.59%
41-5068 18.48%
Over 5081 22.01%


These results indicate that a fair number of males, realize at a young age, Under 16, that they wish to feminize themselves to some extant. Additionally, many men go through the normal adult cycle, getting a job or career, having a family, etc., before considering male breast enlargement - Age groups, 41-50 and Over 50.

If you wish to participate in this poll, please go here:  No Longer Active. For comments on the results of this poll, please go here and post comments:  No Longer Active.

Poll #2 (Started 12/15/07) Pole Results as of 5/24/2009.
At What Breast Size Will You Be Satisfied?

Choice Number of votes Percentage
Cup Size B145 33.11%
Cup Size C162 36.99%
Cup Size D71 16.21%
Larger Than D60 13.70%


The poll results show that most males (over 70%) will be satisfied with B or C cup sized breasts. Such realistic expectations fall inline with the literature about how big breast will get with breast enlargement supplements - usually 2 cup sizes. One wonders if those men seeking D Cup or larger breasts are also larger in physical stature as well. If you wish to participate in this poll, please go here:  No Longer Active. For comments on the results of this poll, please go here and post comments:  No Longer Active.

Poll #3 (Started 2/23/08) Pole Results as of 5/24/2009.
What is your ultimate goal for having female breasts?

Choice Number of votes Precentage
Male with Breasts (Feman)183 60.20%
Crossdresser (Female Role) 5016.45%
Transgender (Female Body)71 23.36%


The poll results show that most respondents (over 60%) just want to have female breasts, while still maintaining other male characteristics. The second largest Group (over 23%) want to completely feminize their bodies - to be transgendered. The smallest group in this pole (around 16%) want breasts as part of a crossdressing lifestyle.

As the original purpose behind publishing this website and the associated blog was to explore the experience of men who just want to have breasts - it is not surprising that the largest group relates to that desire. As "feman" are the most likely people to search for and discover this site. Still it is interesting to note that about 1 out of four men who want breasts also want to be complete the process and be women. As of 5/24/2009 there has been a slight increase in the number of respondents who want to be more feminine than just a man with breasts...

If you wish to participate in this poll, please go here:  No Longer Active.

For comments on the results of this poll, please go here and post comments:  No Longer Active.

Poll #4 (Started 5/3/08) Pole Results as of 5/24/2009.
Do You Plan To Induce Lactation?

Choice Number of votes Percentage
No, Never.19 9.22%
I might induce lactation. 6833.01%
Yes, I plan to lactate. 11957.77%


The poll results show that the majority of men, after enlarging their breasts, want to induce lactation - 57.77%. As of 5/24/2009 this is a slight increase of the percentage of respondents. This corresponds with a slightly smaller number of men (33.01%) who might induce lactation. Perhaps, if it becomes easier for men to produce breast milk, once their breasts are grown, many of those who just might induce milk production would go for it.

A relatively small percentage of males - 9.22% say they would never induce lactation. I certainly understand that, I am more than happy just having my breasts. Still, one of these days, I am going to take 3 months off and Work really hard on inducing my breast to make milk - I just want to know what it is like!

If you wish to participate in this poll, please go here:  No Longer Active.

To comment on the results of this poll, please go here and post comments:  No Longer Active.

Poll #5 (Started 8/6/08) Pole Results as of 5/24/2009.
How Long Will You Grow Your Hair?

Choice Number of votes Percentage
Keeping Hair Short14 22.58%
Growing Hair Long38 61.29%
Using Wigs/Short Hair 34.84%
Using Wigs/Long Hair 711.29%


The great majority of men (61.29%) state that they are going to let their hair grow long. Is this because they can be either feminine or male with long hair? With my long hair, it is easy enough to pull it back in a pony tail and show a more masculine face. But I can always let me hair down and be more feminine if I want to.

A large number of men say they will keep their hair short (22.58%). Perhaps this makes it easier to maintain a male role in society without unnecessarily raising gender questions in other people.

Barely 15% of the respondents say they will use wigs, and of those, most wig wearers will put on long haired wigs.

Of course, generally, if you still have plenty of your own hair, you do want to display it. And maintaining, short or long hair, does not mean we can't play with wigs from time to time.

As of 5/24/2009, there has been almost no change in the percentages of this poll. The polling page has deactivated. Thank you for all those who participated, and, all the new readers who have read this page since!

News About Male Breast Enlargement

The reality of breast cancer in men - CNN
Posted on Sunday October 20, 2024

The reality of breast cancer in men  CNN

Understanding male breast enlargement: Psychological impact, surgical treatment, recovery process - Hindustan Times
Posted on Tuesday July 02, 2024

Understanding male breast enlargement: Psychological impact, surgical treatment, recovery process  Hindustan Times

(PDF) Ultrasound Examination of Gynecomastia Case in Male Patient: Case Report - ResearchGate
Posted on Tuesday February 25, 2025

(PDF) Ultrasound Examination of Gynecomastia Case in Male Patient: Case Report  ResearchGate

Does drinking soy milk cause men’s breasts to grow bigger? - The Washington Post
Posted on Saturday April 20, 2024

Does drinking soy milk cause men’s breasts to grow bigger?  The Washington Post

China mother claims clinic tricked teen son with mental age of 5 into boob job - South China Morning Post
Posted on Tuesday August 13, 2024

China mother claims clinic tricked teen son with mental age of 5 into boob job  South China Morning Post

'Jackass' star Steve-O cancels breast implants surgery after reality check from trans person -
Posted on Monday September 16, 2024

'Jackass' star Steve-O cancels breast implants surgery after reality check from trans person

More evidence essential oils 'make male breasts develop' -
Posted on Saturday March 17, 2018

More evidence essential oils 'make male breasts develop'

Makeup Basics and Tips for Transgenders and Cross-dressers
Available on Amazon

Organic Breast Enlargement Products

The Ultimate Breast Enhancement Pill

Natureday's Nipple Pump
Enlarge Your Nipples

Male Breast Enlargement