Male Breast Enlargement
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Male Breast Enlargement - Healthy Breasts
10 Ways to Take Care of Your Breasts

Male Breast Enlargement Articles

Breast Enlargement for Men, Too
When to Start Wearing a Bra
Male Breast Enlargement Products Reviewed
A Review of the Flat To Fem Male Breast Enlargement Program
Social Pressure for Breast Enlargement
Augmentation Mammoplasty
Psychology of Male Breast Enlargement
Breast Enlargement Creams
Male Breast Enlargement Blog - My Personal Experiences
Breast Health - Taking Care of Your New Breasts
Crossdressing Considerations
Polls and Poll Results
Buying A Bra
The Bra Store
Bra's In all Sizes and Styles!
Review of Feminization Hypnosis
Nipple Enlargement
Consumer Resources

Natureday's Nipple Pump
Enlarge Your Nipples

voice feminization
Feminize Your Voice

Publisher's Note: Male Breast Enlargement can now be accomplished through Natural Herbal Supplements!
I created this website to detail my personal experiences and provide men and women information and insight into the world of male breast enlargement.

Healthy Breasts -
Taking Care of Your New Breasts

By Sam Frea

Discovering that you can enlarge your breasts through natural supplements is exciting. It certainly was exciting for me when my "male" breasts started growing and feminizing. My body has changed at the cellular level in an area that I had previously never considered in terms of my health. But now that I have C cup sized female breasts, I need to think about ensuring the health of my breasts and you should, too. It maybe years before I need to think about scheduling a mammogram, but it is not too early to do things that will keeps my breasts healthy. Here are some ways to maintain the health of your breasts and your body in general...

Breast Health -
10 Ways to Care for Your Breasts

Medical experts recommend the following measures to best protect your breasts while maximizing your overall health:
    1. Eat a well-balanced, smart and healthy diet. Include lots of fruits and vegetables, and keep your intake of fried foods, red meat, and junk food to a bare minimum.

    Stop eating hydrogenated fats like margarine and vegetable shortening. (Be aware that these same ingredients are found in many store-bought crackers, cakes, and cookies - even some of the health-store brands - read your labels!) Cook with olive, peanut, sunflower, or sesame oils and use butter or - better still - clarified butter (ghee) on bread.

    2. Exercise. Find physical activities you enjoy doing, then do them on a regular basis. Make exercise a fun part of your daily life.

    3. Avoid becoming overweight. No need to diet, just adopt the two suggestions above and you should naturally stay in shape.

    4. Avoid excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. Some studies indicate there may be a link between drinking alcohol and an increased risk for breast cancer. Occasional glasses of red or white wine is fine. Some studies show that red wine in moderation can be benefitial to your health.

    5. Do not smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products. Like alcohol, smoking has been linked to breast cancer.

    6. Practice breast self massage. Massages in general are a good idea for the whole body. A breast massage will increase blood circulation in your breast tissues. Use warmed oil to touch your breast gently while in the shower or with your partner. There are special massages that you can do to help enlarge your breasts. This information can be found in the Breast Enlargement Guide, Flat To Fem.

    7. Do exercises that involve the movements of your shoulders and build up your chest and upper arm strength regularly. This help to improve the blood circulation in your breasts as well as the flow of interstatial fluids between the cells.

    8. Wear bras that are comfortable and are made of natural fibers (i.e. cotton). Wearing bras that have under wires or that are strapless will push the breast up and/or make red marks. Such bras may weaken supporting muscles and constrict lymph tissue. If such bras are worn too often or for long periods of time, they will make the breasts sag and allow toxins to build up in your breast tissue. Rotate your bras and limit their use when you can. Going braless need not only be a social or political statement, it can also be a health statement!

    9. Do not use underarm deodorants that contains aluminum salts or similar compounds. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can enter the blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge the immune system.

    10. Eating some soy-based products, such as soy milk, tofu, and tempeh regularly can help block the tendency for breast tissues to bond with extra estrogens that can cause disorder in the healthy functioning of breast tissue.
The decision to enlarge my breasts, forced me to take a whole new look at my body. I realized that I could make simple changes that would not only improve the health of my breasts, but my health in general. Balancing my nutritional needs, increasing my exercise level and staying away from unneccessary chemicals are common sense things to do.

Use your new breasts as an incentive to do the right things that you should be doing anyway!

I hope this breast health online information is useful to you.

About the Author

Sam Frea is the publisher of several websites including: Health Resources,.

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Organic Breast Enlargement Products

The Ultimate Breast Enhancement Pill

Makeup Basics and Tips for Transgenders and Cross-dressers
Available on Amazon

Breast Health